E kasan! (Good Afternoon!) I pray this day is finding you well and bright! I see that many more fans have joined us on
facebook and that the hit counter is going up steadily,
modupe (thank you) for all your support! I'm in the process of
revamping the site to include more information and articles on Òrìsà and other topics as well as a
visual bookshelf, gift shop and more -- I'm excited!
I'm also very excited to open the
Ase Ire Spring Giveaway today! I was going to wait until May 1, but it's close enough.
Between now and May 31st you have a chance to win -- the prize will be announced soon. The last
2 prizes were $50 gift cards to
Amazon.com; we're changing it up a bit this time don't miss your chance.
You can enter 1 of 3 ways: Become a fan on
facebook and post a message on our wall (Already a fan? Refer a friend to our facebook page and have them post your name on our wall -- you'll both be entered!)
ORSubmit a question, suggestion or
Positive Poem OR
Make a donation to AIDS Walk NY by May 15th. Send your donation to
Funlayo@AseIre.com via
PayPal. Want to donate $25 or more?
Click here! (Already donated? You're entered!)
I can't wait to choose a winner! Love & light,
PS: Have you 'Funlayo's new video series? Check it out here!