Brittany Thomas is an enterprising young woman who is the epitome of spunk! A Florida native and graduate of the University of South Florida, Brittany has taken the blog world by storm with Clumps of Mascara (affectionately known as Clumps), her super fun beauty blog which “celebrates mistakes,” balks at perfectionism and  aims to help women redefine beauty for ourselves. In addition to the blog, which boasts thousands of visitors per month, and her equally popular YouTube channel, Brittany has also recently brokered a deal with State Farm’s 50 Million Pound Challenge which will allow readers of Clumps to follow her weight loss journey. Brittany shared this information with ‘Funlayo:   

If I asked you to describe yourself in 5 sentences or less you’d say…

My name is Peaches and I'm the best....LOL, I'm jivin'. Really what I am is a 24 year old cornball who enjoys walks on the beach, history, languages and traveling. I am also a colorful chica that polishes her nails every day, uses lame pick-up lines and is known to purposely embarrass herself. I enjoy life to the fullest and love making people feel good about themselves.

What prompted you to begin Clumps of Mascara? Did you think it’d gain the popularity it has gained?

I didn't start blogging with the intention of turning into a vessel of information. I simply wanted to log my journey into make-up and all of the things that I was learning. It was intended for me. But before I knew it, I got a few readers and a few emails and well, the rest is history!

Do you have any upcoming events or areas you'll be branching into in the near future?

I will be a presenter at the Blogalicous Conference in Atlanta (Oct. 7-9). I've been to conferences before but I've never spoken at one. Y'all pray that I don't stumble over my words. I will also be attending The Powder Group's Artist Summit in Miami as a member of the press. And then I'll be at Fashion Week in NYC in February 2010. As far as branching into other areas... stay tuned. I have a lot of things in the works!

What is your biggest dream or aspiration? What would you do if money was no concern?

You know what? I'm living my dream. Sure I don't make as much money as I'd like to, but Clumps brings me SO much joy. I love inspiring others. I do it on a daily basis. I love it!

If money wasn't an issue I would combine all of my passions into one. I would travel all over the world talking to women everywhere about beauty. I'd learn about beauty trends in their areas as well as how they embody self-confidence from the inside out. I would blog about my travels and eventually write a book about it.

What’s the most important piece of advice you have for Ase Ire’s readers?

I'm not going to say it's easy but having a positive outlook can really change your life. And it's contagious. Keep it goin'...

You can visit Brittany at and follow her on Twitter @ClumpsOfMascara.

Modupe (thank you) for your time and fantastic energy, Brittany!

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