Did you know that in addition to being Grandparents Day (I hope you sent a card or made a call or both!), today is Positive Thinking Day? Positive Thinking Day was developed by Dr. Kirsten Harrell, her sister Traci and their company Popular Inspirations, LLC., founded in 2005. Popular Inspirations is responsible for www.ipopin.com, which hosts ipopins. What are ipopins? They’re “One minute attitude boosters that bring the power of positive thinking to people on the go. You download ipopins the way you would any audio track and intersperse them with the music on your iPod or mp3 player, they then "pop in" as you're listening to the rest of your music (Get a free sample ipopin here).

Today – and every day! – you are challenged to banish all negative thoughts, to keep everything in perspective and to harness the power of positivity within yourself. Here are some steps Dr. Harrell put together to help you do that:

1. Use affirmations - Read and listen to affirmations so that you can begin to change your self-talk.

2. Intention - Set your intention each morning to have a positive day! Remember you choose your attitude!

3. Mindfulness - Keep your attention in the present moment.

4. Link to think -Pick something you do frequently (perhaps making a phone call) and let that be a reminder to think a positive thought.

5. Gratitude - Develop an attitude of gratitude by keeping a gratitude journal.

6. Inspiration - Read and watch inspirational and motivational material to lift your mood.

7. Positive people - Surround yourself with positive people. They will help you stay focused on the positive.

8. Kindness - Be kind to yourself and those around you.

9. Applied faith - Trust that every situation has the seeds for growth and opportunity.

10. Smile - Smile when you see others. Smile when you are talking on the phone. A smile is contagious.

These steps and more can be found at www.PositiveThinkingDay.com. Make it a great one!
