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This holy day season has been a lot of fun for me indeed, and I pray that it has for you as well. I enjoyed some Hanukkah festivities, participated in a beautiful candlelight ceremony on the Winter Solstice, will commune with my largely Christian family on Christmas day today and am looking forward to lighting the Kinara for Kwanzaa tomorrow. It's beautiful when we can all join together and see that our sameness and the values and principles we share far outweigh our differences.
The hustle and bustle of the season, gift-buying, card-sending, greeting and the rest can often make us feel a little stressed during this time of year, but I have made it a point to have a wonderful time connecting with family -- both spiritual and physical -- and friends, old and new. I pray that all of you have been able to take those moments to bask and enjoy. As I was looking through the Official Kwanzaa site, preparing a small presentation for my parents' holiday party tomorrow, I came across a morsel of knowledge from the odù Ifá Eji Ogbe that is apros pos for the season:
Let us not engage the world hurriedly.
Let us not grasp at the rope of wealth impatiently.
That which should be treated with mature judgment,
Let us not deal with in a state of anger.
When we arrive at a cool place,
Let us rest fully;
Let us give continuous attention to the future;
and let us give deep consideration to the consequences of things.
And this because of our (eventual) passing.
As you end the year with celebration, jubilation and family gatherings, be sure to pause, reflect and remember that those moments in time are the truly pricesless gifts that we should treasure today and every day.
Peace & many blessings to each of you! Don't forget to enter the winter giveaway, six days left!